Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Independence Day corrupted India!

Do you really think India got the Independence? Are we really free? Can we do whatever we want in this Country?

In my view, India is not independent. Its been 65 years, Britisher's left our country but it was immediately occupied by the Indian politicians. Those politicians who took the oath of protecting our country, helping poor people and promised growth of our country, finally ended up in self advancement and corruption. Sooner or lesser people started learning the language which Money speaks, ending in accumulating huge and huge amounts in Swiss banks, which people termed it as Black Money.

Too many questions running in my mind right now. What do the Politicians who accumulated money in their accounts will do? Why not they come forward and give their money and help others? Why poor people are dying? Why a middle-class person is facing problems in running their homes with the salary which he/she is getting? Why inflation is occurring, can't we fix it? Why fuel price is increased so much? Why people are going to other countries for education and work, can't India provide such education and jobs? .. .. ... ..

Hope anyone answers all my questions, in fact these are the questions of every common man.

Technology has been changed a lot during these years. A huge computer is now replaced with a hand held computer. All this happened because we did it. Then why can't we change our Politicians? I will stop criticizing them, why can't we change? Do we really want to change our Country? Why do we break the rules and bribe the persons, instead of admitting what we did was wrong and paying the fines?

I don't understand from where this frustration suddenly entered into me, but at present feeling real bad about what we are doing for our country. Hope India will soon get rid of all this stuff and soon becomes a people loving country.

Happy Independence day to my fellow Indians. 

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